My Bass Fishing Sponsors

Please visit the bass fishing sponsors that are helping take my tournament fishing and the overall sport of bass fishing to the next level. Enjoy your next bass fishing trip ~ Melvin Smitson

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 New BoatsRanger Boats | Bass Cat Boats | Phoenix Boats | Nitro Boats | Used Boats


2020 Bass Fishing Sponsors
mercurymarine.png Visit my sponsor Mercury Marine at! I run a 250 HP four stroke outfitted with a Fury prop on my Thayer's Marine Triton 20TRX Patriot. Find the right motor for your bass boat today. Tell'm Smitson Sent Ya!!!
thayers-marine-melvin-smitson-sponsors.jpg Find your new RANGER, TRITON OR NITRO bass fishing boat at Thayer's Marine. Ask for Richie and tell him Melvin sent you!
bassfishingsponsor1.png Visit pro bass angler Melvin Smitson's long time bass fishing sponsor before each of your crab & seafood feast! Start Your Crab & Seafood Feast Today >
power-pole-is-my-newest-bass-fishing-sponsor.jpg Power Pole is my newest bass fishing sponsor for the 2016 - 2017 season. Like my announcement post on social media and watch my Power Pole Song video > GO

Professional angler Melvin Smitson picked Pro Sites Unlimited to help him create a professional and lasting image online. Little did he know that he would get a taste of stardem in less than a years time! Check out to see what they can do for you? Buy your website today Use promo code "Smitson" to save.


Thank you for viewing my bass fishing sponsors page! With your sponsorship help, my goal is to fish on the BASSMASTER ELITE OR FLW Tour level as early as the 2020 season!!


:::::::::::::Follow Me On Instagram:::::::::::::


2020 Upper Chesapeake Bay Open Bass Fishing Tournaments

2020 Upper Chesapeake Bay Open Bass Fishing Tournaments

Triton Bass Boats For Sale

Triton Bass Boats For Sale

Chesapeake Bay Bass Fishing Tournament June 1st 2019

Chesapeake Bay Bass Fishing Tournament June 1st 2019

Potomac River Bass Fishing Tournament May 5th 2019

Potomac River Bass Fishing Tournament May 5th 2019

Potomac River Bass Fishing Tournament May 4th 2019

Potomac River Bass Fishing Tournament May 4th 2019

First Place Boater Wins $5,500.00 In ABA OPEN SERIES On Chesapeake Bay!

First Place Boater Wins $5,500.00 In ABA OPEN SERIES On Chesapeake Bay!

Fishing Pro Staff Wanted At Crain Buick GMC Dealership

Fishing Pro Staff Wanted At Crain Buick GMC Dealership

Special thanks to my guy's at Maloney Aire. Visit Maloney Aire for all your heating & air conditioning needs



Fishing Pro Staff Wanted At RAH Tackle APPLY TODAY

Fishing Pro Staff Wanted At Glo Pro Lures APPLY TODAY

Fishing Pro Staff Wanted At Mojo Custom Baits APPLY TODAY

Fishing Field Staff Wanted At Mega Jigs APPLY TODAY

Fishing Sponsorship Available On The Side Catering APPLY TODAY




Please share my bass fishing sponsors page with your family and friends on social media!
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