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Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Photo Contest

Posted by melvin on September 18, 2013

JWBartunlimted.png Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Photo Contest! Submit your Chesapeake Bay Bass Angling photos for a chance to win a 100.00 "gift code" from JWB Art Unlimited. If your photo is included in their all new "Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Collection." you win. Get Photo Contest Details >


Story From: www.melvinsmitson.com


Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Photo Contest:

Greetings Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers! JWB Art Unlimited is now accepting Chesapeake Bay bass angling photos for ideas to create their all new "Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Collection", an all new drawing and artwork collection due to debut in early spring of 2014. If you would like a chance to have your Chesapeake Bay Bass Angling photo considered for inclusion in an upcoming Jonathan W. Brown artwork image for this awesome new "Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Collection" follow the timeline below:

Deadline for submitting photos: Nov 15th
Deadline for voting: Dec 15th
Announcement: Jan 1st
Availability of 1st original JWB artwork drawing: Feb/March
# of Projects in the Series: TBD, dependent upon ideas received

Send all Chesapeake Bay bass angling photos to jwbartunlimited@comcast.net . If your photo or a portion of your photo is selected for use in the "Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Collection" original drawings or artworks you will receive a "Gift Code" worth 100.00 toward any future purchase at www.JWBArtUnlimited.com . Multiple winners are possible depending on how many drawing and artwork ideas are spawn from photo contest.

Winning photos will be announced on Jan 1st, 2014.  All photos submitted must be from bass fishing trips on the Chesapeake Bay or it's tributaries. Largemouth bass and striped bass related photos are the focus of this contest. The deadline for submitting photos is November 15th, 2013. Please include location, date, contact info, a title and short description for each photo submitted.
Only non-copyrighted / personally-taken photos will be accepted for the "Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Collection" contest. Photos cannot be returned, all final created drawings and artwork remain the property of JWB Art Unlimited.

Cast votes daily for your favorite bass angling photos to be included in the "Chesapeake Bay Bass Anglers Collection" at the JWB Art Unlimited Facebook Page:


The voting deadline is December 15th, 2013! Good luck to all anglers!!!



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