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Lowrance Fishfinders For Sale

Posted by melvin on October 18, 2013

premiermarine.png Lowrance Fishfinders For Sale! Shop Lowrance fishfinders at Premier Marine. Premier Marine is professional angler Melvin Smitson's newest sponsor. Start shopping Lowrance Fishfinders for sale at Premier Marine. Get Prices >


Story From: www.melvinsmitson.com

Date: 10/18/13

Lowrance Fishfinders For Sale: 


Professional Angler Melvin Smitson Uses Lowrance HDS. 

Hello Bass Fishing Fans! If your reading this page you must be interested in buying a pair of new Lowrance fishfinders for your boat. Great news, now you can purchase your new Lowrance fishinders from my newest sponsor Premier Marine.  

Premier Marine has Lowrance Fishfinders for sale and can be reached online at www.premiermarinemd.com or on the phone 410-335-0000. Be sure to tell'm Smitson sent ya!!! 

I can definitely help you out if your on the fence about investing in the Lowrance HDS series of fishfinders. My dad has a Lowrance HDS 10 unit on the back of his boat and I have a Lowrance HDS 8 on the front of my boat and Lowrance HDS 10 on the back of my boat. 

Your probably wondering on some level if buying a new Lowrance HDS unit is worth the price? I'm hear to tell you that the answer is YES. Buying a new Lowrance HDS unit for your boat is worth every penny that you wind up spending and then some.  

As a matter of fact, if your a serious bass tournament angler I strongly recommend that you have two Lowrance HDS units on your boat. One HDS unit for when your upfront running the trolling motor and one HDS unit for when your running your outboard motor. 

In both cases you will be able to find fish, mark GPS points of interest, locate underwater structures, focus in on lake bottom variations, detect water temperature differences and so much more.

Thank you for visiting this Lowrance fishfinders for sale page. I hope that you will find Lowrance fishfinder prices reasonable with my newest sponsor Premier Marine.

Tight Lines & Heavy Limits,

Melvin Smitson