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Sponsorship Opportunities For The 2014 Bass Fishing Season

Posted by melvin on November 18, 2013

sponsorshipopportunitiesb.png Sponsorship opportunities for the 2014 bass fishing season! Professional angler Melvin Smitson has regional sponsorship opportunities and local sponsorship opportunities available for the 2014 bass fishing season. Starting from $199.99 per year. Click here> 


Story From: www.melvinsmitson.com

Date: 11/18/13 

Sponsorship Opportunities:
Melvinsmitson.com is celebrating 20,000 website pageviews from 49 states and 36 countries or Territories. In addition to reaching over 1600 Facebook Friends, 855 Twitter Followers and 2500 YouTube Viewers...
2014 promises to be an exciting year for Team Smitson! Your company can get in on all the marketing action our reach provides in a booming bass fishing industry.
Regional Sponsorship Opportunities:
For a very affordable $199.99 your company can become a shared sponsor for Melvin Smitson's 2014 FLW Everstart season. This regional sponsorship opportunity (Mid-Atlantic Region) has an estimated marketing reach of 500 million households per FLW Everstart tournament show on NBC Sports Network.
FLW Live also has a reach of 500 million households that allows viewers to watch weigh-in's live over the Internet during FLW Everstart tournament days. Come join Melvin's growing list of sponsors for the upcoming FLW Everstart Season.
Local Sponsorship Opportunities: (Est. 20 - 50 boats per) 
Would you be interested in having Melvin and his partner (Dad) wearing your companies jersey during local buddy team tournaments while passing out your companies products or your companies promotions at each event during the 2014 season? 
2014 Team Trails & Buddy Tournament Sponsorship Opportunities Available:
Paycheck Eastern Shore Series ( 7 Brand New Tournaments ) Your cost 160.00 each
Marshyhope Bassmasters ( 1 Annual Tournament ) Your Cost 90.00 
Crabtowne Bassmasters ( 1 Annual Tournament ) Your Cost 90.00 
FLW BFL Sponsorship Opportunities Melvin Only: (Est. 100 - 150 boats per)
FLW Bass Fishing League Shenandoah Division ( 5 Tournaments ) Your Cost 200.00 each 
FLW Bass Fishing League Northeast Division ( 2 Tournaments ) Your Cost 200.00 each
Wear your Sponsorship money goes:
FLW usually takes stage pictures at each event. We can use those jersey pictures displaying your company logo and any other team tournament jersey pictures taken of Melvin or his partner (Dad) wearing your companies jersey in Fishing reports, Fishing previews, Fishing reviews, Facebook post, Twitter Tweets, YouTube Videos, Your company product banners, Your company product pages and other company promotions on Melvin's website. 
Please let us know if your interested in becoming the "Main Sponsor" for any of the local trails or FLW BFL tournaments listed above A.S.A.P.
Talk to you soon,
Team Smitson  

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