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Upper Chesapeake Bay Most Popular Largemouth Bass Destination In Maryland

Posted by melvin on March 3, 2014

Upper-Chesapeake-Bay-Most-Popular-Largemouth-Bass-Destination-In-Maryland-picture.png Upper Chesapeake Bay Most Popular Largemouth Bass Destination In Maryland! Planning a bass fishing trip? Add Maryland's Chesapeake Bay to your list of HOTTEST largemouth bass fishing spots for 2014. Get Story >



Story From: www.melvinsmitson.com
Date: March 3rd, 2014

Upper Chesapeake Bay Most Popular Largemouth Bass Destination In Maryland:


Upper Chesapeake Bay Largemouth Bass
Quick quiz Maryland bass fishing tournament anglers, name the best largemouth bass fishing tournament location in Maryland? If you answered Potomac River? you must be "old school" and I'm right with you on that answer for the most part. However, we are all wrong according to the Maryland DNR Black Bass Annual Review (BBAR).

Upper Chesapeake Bay Most Popular Largemouth Bass Destination In Maryland: (Page 10)
To some bass fishing anglers this news might be debatable but for bass fishing tournament directors and "new school" bass fishing tournament anglers it's crystal clear that the Upper Chesapeake Bay has now become the most popular largemouth bass fishing destination in Maryland.
This is GREAT bass fishing news for Maryland!!! Who knows, maybe we can get a few new world class boat ramps out of this upward shift in Maryland bass fishing popularity. That would help us attract MAJOR bass fishing tournaments and MILLIONS of extra bass fishing dollars that we are no doubt missing out on year after year.
I have heard all the chatter about how special of a place the Upper Chesapeake Bay has become for catching largemouth bass in the last few years. In fact, most of my BIGGEST LARGEMOUTH BASS (6 pounds and over) have come from the Upper Chesapeake Bay since 2010.
Buying or Selling: Upper Chesapeake Bay Most Popular Largemouth Bass Destination In Maryland. 
I'm BUYING the hype that the Chesapeake Bay continues to grow into a world class largemouth bass fishing destination for not only Maryland anglers but for tournament bass fishermen from around the country as well.
For the powers to be out there. Let's start raising Maryland's largemouth bass fishing standards. FLW Forrest Wood Cup and Bassmasters Classic are two great places to start. Lets start doing whatever it takes to have Maryland hosting them both on the Chesapeake Bay in the near future.
Tight Lines & Heavy Limits,
Melvin Smitson